The Terrible Coney

Woodcut print of a giant rabbit in a woodland landscape. The rabbit, facing right, is beginning to leap but it rear feet are firmly planted on the ground.

Woodcut on Awagami kitakata, edition of 100, 9 x 10.5 inches (22.86 x 26.76 cm)

The idea for this woodcut came to me after reading about a medieval legend in which a small village was terrorized by a larger than usual rabbit. Maybe it was a hare. Details were sketchy. I found this interesting for a number of reasons. I couldn't help but reflect that — freakishly large or not — a big rabbit is still just a rabbit. It sounds like a terrible 1950s B-movie. Perhaps lettuces and turnips would have reason to panic, but anyone with access to a sharp stick should feel at ease.

With this in mind, I began to sketch out "The Terrible Coney" directly on the board in a manner reminiscent of the style of Albrecht Dürer, whose work has always served as an inspiration to me. The pose of the mighty beast was inspired by a drawing by Pisanello.

"The Terrible Coney" was awarded a Juror's Commendation by Whitney Museum of Art curator David Kiehl at the Boston Printmakers' 2001 biennial exhibition.